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Abbreviations for two letter and three letter English words related to fluid control valves

Two letter abbreviation: CV (Cv) - Flow Coefficient: Flow Coefficient PS (PSI) - Pounds per Square Inch: Pressure unit, pounds per square inch DP (Δ P) -Differential Pressure: FV - Flow Valve: Flow Valve PC - Pressure Control: Pressure Control SV - Safety Valve: AV - Angle Valve: Angle Valve BV - Ball Valve: Ball Valve CV - Check Valve: Check Valve DV - Diaphragm Valve: Diaphragm Valve EV - Electric Valve: Electric Valve FV - Flow Valve: Flow Valve GV - Gate Valve: Gate Valve HV - Hydraulic Valve: Hydraulic Valve IV - Isolation Valve: Isolation Valve MV - Manual Valve NV - Needle Valve OV - Overflow Valve: Overflow Valve PV - Pressure Valve Pressure Valve RV - Relief Valve: Safety Valve/Relief Valve TV - Temperature Valve: Temperature Control Valve UV - Utility Valve: Utility Valve VV - Vacuum Valve: Vacuum Valve WV - Water Valve AF - Air Filter: Air Filter FC - Flow Control FF - Face to Face: Flange Spacing IC - Inlet Contra l: Import Control OC - Export Control PI - Pressure Indicator TI - Temperature Indicator VC - Volume Control WV - Water Valve XL - Extra Large Three letter abbreviation VAV - Variable Air Volume FCD - Flow Control Device PCV - Pressure Control Valve ACV - Automatic Control Valve DCV - Directional Control Valve NRV - Non Return Valve PIV - Pressure Isolation Valve SOV - Shut Off Valve: TCV - Temperature Control Valve: PRV - Pressure Reducing Valve: SCV - Solenoid Control Valve: BAV - Breather Air Valve: FCV - Fl Ow Control Valve: DVC - Digital Valve Controller: GCV - Gas Control Valve: LCV - Level Control Valve: MSV - Manual Shutoff Valve: ORV - Overpressure Relief Valve: SPV - Surge Protection Valve: TRV - Thermal Radial Valve: VFV - Vacuum Flow Valve: AFD - Air Flow Device: Air Flow Device BHV - Block and Bleed Valve: Block and Discharge Valve CKV - Check Valve: CVV - Control Venture Valve: DBV - Double Block Valve: EEV - Electronic Expansion Valve: FSV - Fire Safe Valve: HPV - High Pressure Valve: ISV - Instrumentation Shutoff Valve: Instrument LDV - Low Differential Valve: MGV - Main Gas Valve: NCV - Normally Closed Valve: OCV - Oil Control Valve: PBV - Pressure Balance Valve: QCV - Quick Closing Valve: RPV - Relief Pressure Valve: SPV - Safety Pressure Valve: TPV - Temperature Pressure Valve: UBV - Utility Ball Valve: VDV - Vacuum Demand Valve: WSV - Water Shu Toff Valve: XHV - Extra High Pressure Valve: ZCV - Zero Cavity Valve: BSV - Blowdown Stop Valve: CCV - Constant Current Valve: DDV - Double Diaphragm Valve: EIV - Emergency Isolation Valve: Emergency Isolation Valve FGV - Fuel Gas Valve: Gas Valve HCV - Hydraulic Check Valve: Hydraulic Check Valve These abbreviations cover various valves and equipment related to fluid control, used in multiple fields such as industry, construction, pipelines, energy, etc.